This is the 1 main reason why your business can't generate new leads...
Understanding that One reason
Besides having a good price and quality product or service, there is one thing that most small business owners lack or just refuse to work on...
No matter how low your prices are, you can't compete with the big brands anyway, they can lower their prices to a level that if you try to match that, you will go out of business very quick!
This is what you need...
After analyzing Businesses that have failed we came to realize that they all had one thing in common, they did not have an actual budget for Advertisement.
Effective Ads is the one thing your business needs to generate new leads.
Most small businesses refuse or sometimes even take pride in not spending money for advertisement.
Now why we say Effective Ads is because you need to generate the right ads to the right prospects. Let's break this down...There are 3 Types of Prospects:
- Prospects in Buy mode: These people know they have a need and are willing to buy now. But unfortunately they only represent 3% of your prospects. And Most ads are usually targeting those people and that's unfortunate because if everyone in your industry just focus on that 3%, needless to say that it's going to be very competitive.
-Prospects in Awareness stage: These people are awared that they have a need but just not in a rush or shopping around until they get the best deal. They represent 37% of your prospects.
-Cold Prospects: These people don't actually have a need or don't know they have a need yet. They represent 60% of your prospects... great potential there.
But as we mentionned, you need to generate the right Ads for the right Prospects, and unfortuantely most small businesses only create content that is designed just for Prospects in Buy mode and will pass that message to Cold prospects. Now they're disappointed because they didn't get the result they were expecting. You will always be disappointed if you use the same Ads channels for all 3 types of Prospects!
"If you're solely relying on free traffic, refferals, joint ventures, or other channels like these, then you don't have a predictable and dependable way to grow your Business.
You're simply at the whim of whatever fate drops in your lap. However, generating a return on investment from paid advertising is like pulling a lever and having cash drop into your account. It's predictable, repeatable and scalable." - Sabri Suby
Utilizing Paid Advertising
First off, if you can't pay money to acquire a new customer, then you don't have a Business.
When it comes to paid advertising, platforms like Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads are a great start. When done right, these channels can bring you lots of new leads, but very few businesses can actually put together a content that will make people stop scrolling and pay attention to their ads.
That's why Outdoor advertisement is what will make you rise above your competitors, because on top of being in their feeds now you're in their day to day environment. When they're home, you're in their phones, and when they go out you're in their surroundings as well. That's how you will turn a cold prospect, someone who is completely not interested in your product or service into a valuable and repeated customer.
Now you may say "Hey if someone has really a need for my product, I wouldn't need to do all that". Yes that's right, but the goal is not to only reach the 3% of Prospects (Buy mode prospects). You want to tap into the remaining 97% which represents the Awareness stage and Cold prospects. That's where the money is!
In conclusion, just remember there are 3 types of prospects and you can't approach all of them the same way.
Paid advertising is the way out, online advertising mixed with outdoor advertising is the best combination for your business to tap into all 3 categories of prospects and generate new leads for your Business.
Online Ads + Outdoor Ads = Effective Ads.
Click here to get a free quote for your Outdoor Ads.